Clarissa Benton — Tara’s Birth Story
So, the night before the planned induction, feeling tired and emotional and a bit desperate, I stayed up all night bouncing. Finally, I snuggled up in bed with my husband, and we both cried. We talked about his fears, that he was worried I was too focused on plan A. I was able to let go of some of my fixations and accepted that Plan B, C, and D were still good plans.
Disappointed and resigned, I arrived at the hospital at 9 am to be induced. The midwife examined me and said, "Oh, you are 5 cm dilated! We cannot induce you - you are too far gone!" Delighted, we discussed the options and decided that she would break my waters to speed up labour.
At one point, my father-in-law, who I adored, turned up at the door to see how we were getting on. I had an overwhelming sense that I needed privacy and seclusion. I was in the zone, and I was only just coping... My husband looked at me and, without saying anything, quietly ushered his father away.
And then it all got a bit confusing: my contractions stopped. I got hot in the pool, and I was so, so tired, having stayed up all night. My midwife suggested getting out of the pool, and I lay with my head on my husband's lap to cool down and had a brief sleep. She examined me, and I was 9 cm dilated. She tried to sweep the cervix to manually open it - that was soooo painful! I said, "If you are going to do that, I want gas!" (we had previously agreed that she would not offer me pain relief unless I asked for it).