Birth Stories

Birth stories from our community

Reading birth stories can be a helpful way for parents to prepare for their own birth experience. These stories from our wonderful community are a perfect example of how no two birth experiences are the same. They offer personal insight into natural births, short births, hospital births, home births - and beyond.

We encourage you to have a read and take note of any strategies you might like to incorporate into your own birth preparation.  

Active Birth Taranaki Active Birth Taranaki

Emily - Mila’s Birth Story

Emily’s journey to meeting her beautiful daughter, Mila Gwen Gibson, is nothing short of inspiring. From navigating hospital recommendations to trusting her instincts and finding the strength to create the calm home birth she envisioned—this story is a testament to the power of informed choice and self-advocacy.

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clarissa batchelor clarissa batchelor

Nantar — Bliss’s Birth Story

Nantar laboured at home using affirmations, breathing and meditation to cope with the intensity of her contractions. She then transferred to hospital where she birthed naturally in water.

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clarissa batchelor clarissa batchelor

Bridget and Andy — Claire’s Birth Story

Bridget and Andy’s birth journey changed from planned homebirth to planned C-section - this is their story of how they took an empowered approach to their new challenge.

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Your Birth Story

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